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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Epik Madron FC.

PERCAYA atau tidak, ada pasukan bola sepak yang dibelasah 55-0. Itulah yang berlaku ke atas Madron FC, sebuah kelab bola sepak di Britain apabila tewas dengan jumlah gol sebanyak itu dalam satu perlawanan Liga Cornish Mining, baru-baru ini.

Ikut congak, gawang gol bolos bagi setiap 1.7 minit.

Kalau ada rakaman ulang tayang menerusi televisyen, perlawanan itulah yang paling mahu saksikan.

Maldron FC tewas kesemua 11 perlawanan dengan memberikan 227 gol kepada pihak lawan namun ia bukanlah pasukan tercorot liga.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Pelancaran D'Saree

Sesiapa berminat membeli saree,silakan berhubung dengan saya.
Jualan secara borong atau tempahan khas,insyaAllah boleh diatur.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Paru berdarah

Pagi,awal subuh banyak nikmat,penuh berkat.
Masa seakan lebih bermakna.
Aku menghargai dengan pergi ke Malpe.Pantai putih pasirnya,biru airnya.
Melarikan diri daripada sibuk Lagenda,pening dengan Paediatrik.
Hari ini,aku mengasah skill memasak,yang lama aku tinggalkan.
Resepi aku peroleh dari 2orang sifu.
Seorang tauke selekoh maut,Aza's corner.
Seorang rakan lama,bakal chef yang sekarang tekun belajar di Shah Alam.
Inilah hasilnya.

Tangan Wafiy,tekun melumurkan sotong dengan tepung rahsia ayahanda,Raju

Ikan hitam lantaran bercampur kicap.

Tidak masin walau berenang dalam lautan.Itulah beza,hati yang hidup dengan yang mati

Sotong,masterpiece Wafiy

Paru-paru berdarah

Darah dari paru-paru

p/s-Terima kasih kepada Aza dan Eppo..:P

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bila Presiden main basketball

Aku seorang basketballerz

Lepas meeting,jumpe pengundi aku pamerkan skill.Yes,we can.

3 points??Piece of cake

Terbang tinggi,megah melompat

Aku bleh dunk

Blocking no problemo

Malangnya,langit tidak selalunya indah.
Hari ni,aku kena siku..ish2.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Boikot Israel:Apabila gereja mula bertindak,kita senyap tidak berganjak.

BAITULMAQDIS: Kempen Palestin untuk menghukum syarikat yang membantu Israel membina penempatan dan tembok pemisahan di Tebing Barat mula mendapat sokongan pelabur asing dan aktivis. Dana pencen di Norway dan Sweden sudah mengambil tindakan menarik keluar pelaburan mereka dalam syarikat yang terbabit dalam pembinaan penempatan haram dan tembuh pemisah di wilayah Palestin itu.

Aktivis berpangkalan di Eropah pula memberi tekanan kepada syarikat terbabit dengan mendedahkan aktiviti mereka di Tebing Barat dan membuat piket di luar kedai yang menjual produk yang dikeluarkan oleh penempatan haram Yahudi.

Kesan ekonomi terhadap perkembangan baru itu masih kecil dan kumpulan Yahudi tidak bertindak balas serta universiti Amerika Syarikat juga masih enggan menurut serta tetapi publisiti negatif terhadap syarikat terbabit lambat laun akan menampakkan impak. Israel menuduh kempen berkenaan cuba mengharamkan negara Yahudi itu dan bertanya kenapa negara lain yang mempunyai rekod hak asasi yang buruk tidak juga disasarkan. Palestin pula berharap kempen tarik pelaburan dan boikot produk itu akan dapat mencapai apa yang tidak dapat dicapai melalui rundingan.

Bagaimanapun, kempen itu tidak ditujukan kepada seluruh Israel tetapi hanya terhadap syarikat yang melabur di wilayah yang diduduki negara Yahudi itu.
“Ia bukanlah penarikan keluar pelaburan dari Israel tetapi daripada syarikat yang menyokong pendudukan haram di wilayah Palestin,” kata William Aldrich, ketua pasukan petugas penarikan pelaburan Persidangan Gereja United Methodist New England.

Penarikan pelaburan bertujuan membuat kenyataan moral, kata Aldrich. Kumpulan itu berkempen agar penganut gereja Methodist menjual saham dalam 29 syarikat asing dan Israel. Syarikat asing dan Israel yang beroperasi di tanah Palestin yang diduduki di Tebing Barat mendapat manfaat dalam bentuk tapak murah, insentif cukai dan gaji warga Palestin yang rendah. – AP

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cakar langit gaya Dubai

Nakheel tower's height-1400m

p/s-Kena potong 2 Menara nie,pacak kat Malaysia satu.Jimat 5 bilion

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

ooo KUNAL!!

Yesterday,OPD Paediatric department

ME: Dr,why you choose to specialize in paediatric??
Dr Kunal: aaaaaa........

Today,Lecture Hall

Dr Kunal: What are different types of fever?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sesi pagi bersama Dato' Khaled,Menteri Pengajian Tinggi

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Peristiwa subuh hari

Lewat bangun.

Ayam jantan berkokok.Tepat pukul 6 pagi.

Aku bangun menunaikan solat subuh.Eni pula awal2 lagi telah mandi.

Pukul 5.45 tdi die bngun trus mandi.Excited la ni.Hari pertama pergi sekolah.

Aku senyum."Budak2.Nanti baru tahu sekolah itu macam mana."bisik dalam hati.

Awal lagi ini.Sekolah bermula pukul 7.45 pagi.Sekarang baru 6.10.Aku baring-baring kejap kat ruang tamu.Ditakdirkan,aku tertidur.

Jam hijau tergantung di dinding kayu tepat menunjukkan jam 7.

"Bangun2!!"Eni menjerit.

"Lewat doh nie.Eni keno gi skoloh awal.Hari ni hari mulo2."

Umi aku dah siap.Ayahku juga sudah berkemeja.Aku masih berbaju putih,tertera "LANGKAWI".

Syaitan berjaya memujuk aku menarik selimut.Kembali aku berkelubung.

"Bangun2!!".Ada sesuatu dipegangnya-kucing oren aku bernama Garfield.

Pantas die menarik selimut,meletakkan Garfield di depan mulut aku.Kucing mixed berwarna oren itu mengiau,nyaris mencakar muka aku.

"Puhhh,".Habis mulut aku penuh dengan bulu kucing.Terpaksa aku bangun.Garfield memandang muka aku,mata sayu seakan tahu dia telah mengkhianati tuannya.

Eni tersenyum.strategi die berjaya membangunkan aku dari tidur.

Aku mandi kerbau.Kerbau pun tidak mandi seperti aku.

7 minit dah siap.Ye la.Kejap lagi aku balik rumah jugak.Kalau tengok cerita P.Ramlee dalam Seniman Bujang Lapok,diorang basuh mata waktu pagi buta.

Umi dan ayah aku bergerak masuk ke dalam kereta.Enjin dihidupkan,mengaum kedengaran.

"Amir hantar Eni pergi sekolah.Cepat sikit tu.Jalan depan sekolah Maahad biasanya sibuk."Umi sempat berpesan.Tingkap kereta dinaikkan.Kereta bergerak meluncur kehadapan.

"Dengar tu umi royak gapo.Cepat2."Eni menambah.

Aku turun,masuk ke dalam kereta Honda berwarna hitam.Punggung berlabuh di tempat duduk pemandu.Enjin sudah dipanaskan oleh ibuku awal2 lagi.Tugas aku bertambah ringan.Hanya suis perlu diputar,stereng harus dipusing sambil pedal minyak ditekan kaki kiri.

Matahari mula timbul,cahaya mula melimpahi alam.Kejora tiada lagi kelihatan.Burung terbang,berkicau riang.

Embun masih kelihatan.Basah membasahi rerumput dan daunan.

Kejap lagi akan hilang,disejat cahaya matahari.

"Masuk cepat Eni.Kita dah lewat."

"Amir la lewat.Eni bagun awal bla..bla..bla".

Sudah pandai menjawab adik aku.Umur 7 tahun dah pandai membebel.:P

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.Kereta aku undur perlahan,selepas itu gear ditukar dari R kepada D.

Mula maju ke hadapan,mula masuk ke jalan utama.

Perjalanan bermula.

Benar kata ibuku.Jalan sesak.

Dah pkul 7.20,aku masih terlekat di depan Sekolah Maahad Muhammadi Lelaki.

Adik aku mula risau.

"Mesti cikgu marah datang lewat.Hari ini hari 1st day."

Ibu aku menelefon

"Dah sampai?"

"Belum.dekat depan sekolah maahad lagi."

"Laa.Cepat2.Ambil line kiri.kesian kat Eni tu.Hari pertama dah lewat."


10 minit,aku terlekat.Perlahan-lahan aturan kereta mula bergerak dan ada jalan keluar.

Tapi,ada 4 trafic light lagi terpaksa aku tempuh sebelum tiba di SK Zainab 1!!!

AKu memandang ke belakang.Eni dah tidur.Aman sedikit dunia.Itu la.Siapa suruh bangun awal.

Traffic light seakan berdendam.

Semua lampu berwarna merah.Kesudahan aku menghabiskan paling kurang 5 minit di setiap traffic light.

Aku mula resah.Jam tepat jam 7.40 pagi.Sudah pasti loceng sekolah telah dibunyikan.Aku masih terperangkap di traffic light yang last.

Polis berkawal.Mengawal lalu lintas agar lancar.Wisel ditiup tangan dilambai.Ada motor putih di tepi jalan.Kenderaan stereotaip bagi seorang polis trafik.

Polis melambai,menyuruh kereta dipanduku bergerak.Aku dengan cepat menekan pedal minyak.Kereta bergerak agak laju.Kesan inersia dirasai.

Adik aku terbangun

"Dah sampai sekolah ke?Pukul berapa nie?"

"Belum lagi.Tapi sekolah Eni dah nampak."Aku berhelah sambil menunjuk SM Zainab 1 yang gagah berdiri.

Sekolah rendah di belakang sekolah menengah.Sekitar 5 minit lagi perjalanan.

"Sekolah Eni belakang sekolah ini laa,"tegas Eni menjawab.

Alamak kantoi la pulak.

"Amir,pukul 7.50 dah.Lewat nie,"

"Tak apa.Budak2 pergi perhimpunan dulu.Jangan risau.Kalau susah2,abe Amir ikut Eni pergi perhimpunan,"

"Amir nak beratur ikut kelas Eni ko,"

"Ye la.Beratur depan sekali,nyanyi lagu Negaraku sama2,"

Adik aku bermasam muka.Lawak jadi hambar..

Aku tiba tepat 7.55 pagi.Semua budak sudah sampai.Berbaju putih,kain hitam.

"Amir,mana kelas eni,"

"Eni tak ingat ke?"

"Ni ke 1st day skolah.Mana la Eni tahu,"selambe balasan diberikan.

Aku menebalkan muka bertanya seorang cikgu perempuan.Manis berbaju kurung berwarna biru.

"Salam cikgu.Mana kelas 1B?"

"2nd floor,kelas mulo2.Kenapa lewat nie?"

"Ado hal sket cikgu.Terima kasih,"pendek aku membalas,meninggalkan guru muda itu terpinga-pinga.

Aku berjalan pantas membawa beg.Adik aku mengekori dari belakang.

Di kelas,semua kerusi dan meja telah ditanda.Senarai nama ditampal di luar ada 40 murid.Aku mengira kerusi,ada 39.

Sah tidak cukup.Satu kerusi dan meja kurang.

Adik aku mula bising2.

"Itu la.Suruh mari awal tak nak."

Aku dapat idea.Aku pergi ke kelas sebelah,ambil satu kerusi dan meja.Harap2 kerusi dan meja itu tiada penghuni.

Angkat sorang diri,letak kat kelas 1B.Nah,adik aku telah ada tempat untuk bertapa sambil menimba ilmu.

Perhimpunan telah bermula,aku menghantar adik aku kepada seorang pengawas.Dari usia,aku kira dia berumur darjah 5.

"Adik,tolong bawa Eni masuk barisan ek.Kelas 1B,"

"Baru sampai ker?"Berani budak tu bertanya soalan kepada aku.

"A'a.Ada hal sikit tadi.Cepat2 bawak die masuk barisan."

Dia memimpin tangan Eni,dan mereka terus lenyap dalam lautan kanak2.

Aku menelefon ibu.

"Alhamdulillah,Eni dah sampai di sekolah.Sekarang duk perhimpunan,"

"Pkul 8.10 baru sampai."

"Yup."Aku tersenyum sambil menjawab pertanyaan ibuku.

Peristiwa kedua,motif sama.

"Amir2.Cepat bangun.Dah lewat nie.Hari ini Eni bertugas.Kena menyapu kelas."


Aku tertidur lagi selepas solat.Sekarang sudah pukul 7 pagi.

"Kalau Eni datang awal pun,sekolah mula pkul 7.40 juga.Rileks2."

Drama sama berulang.Hanya hari berbeza.

Aku sampai lewat menghantar adik aku.

Kali ini sampai pkul 7.35 pagi.Awal sikit berbanding dulu.

Kali ini cabaran berbeza.Ada pengawas berjaga di pintu pagar..

Adik aku takut.

"Kakak pengawas dia ambil nama.Hantar kepada cikgu besar.Pastu cikgu besar rotan."Eni bercerita.Muka kelihatan pucat.

Aku terpaksa bertindak.Nama adik aku tidak mungkin tercatat dalam buku yang rapat digenggam di tangannya.

Aku berjalan dengan adik aku,menuju ke pagar.Sperti dijangka,adik aku ditahan.

"Nama adik apa?"soalan diaju pengawas.

Belum sempat Eni menjawab,aku lantas memainkan peranan,memotong perbualan.

"Pengawas.Saya datang awal tadi.Ada hal sikit sebab itu lewat."

Pada masa sama,aku menyuruh adik aku berjalan masuk.

Sedang aku bercakap,adik aku telah lepas,berjalan dengan cepat pergi ke kelas.

Tiba2 dia terserempak dengan seorang guru.Cikgu itu kelihatan bertanya soalan dan adik aku menjawab.

Kemudian adik aku terus berjalan.Muka cikgu itu kelihatan pelik,seakan memikirkan sesuatu.

Tengahari,aku datang membawa nasi bungkus,makan di kantin sekolah rendah.

Makcik kantin tersenyum,sudah kenal akan aku.Suasana hingar-bingar.Pelajar bertempiaran lari.Ada beberapa kawan adik aku mencuit bahu,duduk berbual dengan Eni.

Sungguh aku terkenang kenangan dulu berada di sekolah.Suasana ceria,budak2 yang tiada tanggungjawab besar di bahu mereka.

"Kenapa pagi tadi kena tahan dengan cikgu?"

"Cikgu tanya kenapa lewat."

"Pastu Eni jawab apa?"

"Eni bagitahu Eni ada hal.sebab itu datang lewat,"

Aku tersenyum,lucu dalam hati.Patutlah cikgu tu nampak pelik.

Apalah sangat hal seorang budak berumur 7 tahun sampai datang lewat ke sekolah.Sepatutnya soalan itu dituju kepada aku.

Apalah sangat hal seorang yang leka berada di rumah sehingga gagal menghantar adik awal ke sekolah.Itu soalan sepatutnya.

Impak peristiwa.

Peristiwa itu memberi impak cukup besar dalam diri aku.

Benar,kanak2 ibarat kain putih,ibu bapa yang mencorakkan.Adakah ini menafikan peranan abang dan kakak?

Tidak sama sekali.

Jika ibu bapa mencorakkan,adik beradiklah yang mewarnakan kain itu.Agar,corak yang dilakar kelihatan cantik,mengikut acuan yang tersedia.

Jika ibu bapa mewarna,adik beradiklah yang membancuh warna agar kelihatan sekata penuh rasa.

Sokongan.Itu peranan paling tepat yang dapat diberikan kepada adik2 kita.

Ingat,kanak2 selalu gagal mengikut arahan,tetapi mereka tidak pernah gagal mengikut perbuatan,tingkahlaku yang ada dihadapan mereka.

Aku mengambil masa,berborak dengan Eni menjelaskan peri pentingnya menepati masa.Memohon maaf,merendahkan ego dengan mengakui kesilapan menghantarnya lewat ke sekolah.Sebagai abang,tidak sepatutnya adik aku lewat samapi ke sekolah.

Ibu aku sentiasa awal menghantar aku ke sekolah.Aku patut belajar dari beliau.

Aku berjanji tidak akan lagi menghantarnya lewat ke sekolah lagi.

Janji perlu ada komitmen.Perlu tindakan agar tidak kosong dan sia-sia.Punca masalah harus digali serta dikaji.


Itu masalah utama,dan alhamdulillah aku berjaya mengatasinya.

Sekarang sudah 5 tahun peristiwa itu berlalu,dan Eni masih ingat dengan jelas.Hari pertama persekolahan dah datang lewat.:P

Tidak mengapa,kesalahan tidak perlu dilupakan,sebaliknya jangan ulangi.Tiada dosa dicatat kalau mengingati kesilapan.

Moga ini memberi pengalaman berharga kepada kita dalam mengharungi liku-liku kehidupan.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


2010 Asian Games Quarterfinal
Uzbekistan vs Qatar

Monday, November 15, 2010

Rahsia nasi.

O nasi..

Bagitau kitorang ape rahsia kau;macam mane kamu dapat rapat bersama semua orang.

Satu masa,bergaul dengan kari kambing.

Kemudian rapat pula dengan kerabu dan budu.

Tiada bergaduh,kari dan budu sedia berpoligami berkongsi nasi.

Setiap pagi,tidak pernah miss dating dengan sambal nasi lemak dan telur mata kerbau.

Malam2,maple tauke kedai mamak pulak menghumban kau ke kuali panas.

Kamu digoreng dan dinikmati semua orang.

Kuey teow dan bihun cemburu dengan kamu,cuba bersengketa.

Namun engkau tetap menjadi pujaan di hati.

Setiap perayaan,kamu sentiasa menceriakan suasana.

Rumah terbuka,engkau penyebab utama mereka datang.

Raya Haji dan Aidilfitri,kamu ajak kawan2 kami datang menikmati ketupat,rendang serta kuah kacang.

Ketupat satu variasi,mempunyai genetik sama dengan engkau.

Deepavali,engkau berwarna-warni disusun di lantai,menghasilkan aneka corak.

Chinese New Year eve,you help to bring home family from far and wide.

Untuk Gawai dan Tadau Kaamatan,engkau diraikan Dayak dan Kadazan di Sabah dan Sarawak.

Mungkin,rahsianya engkau tidak memilih,sentiasa berlapang dada.

Walau kami guna tangan,chopstick,sudu atau garfu,

Engkau sentiasa gembira berkongsi makanan dengan kami.

Hari ini,kami duduk bersama meraikan Hari Raya Aidiladha.

Kau tetap menjadi tumpuan,perhiasan utama di atas meja makan.

Selamat menjamu selera dengan NASI,

Salam Aidiladha diucapkan kepada semua Muslim di dunia.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


A boy went to the pet store to buy a puppy.

4 puppies were sitting together, priced at $50 each.

Then there were one sitting alone in a corner.

The boy asked if that was for sale, and why it was sitting alone.

The store owner replied that it was from the same litter and that it was a deformed one, and not for sale.

The boy asked what the deformity was.The store owner was replied that the puppy was born without a hip socket and had one leg missing.

The boy asked, "What will you do with this one?"

The reply was it would be put to sleep.

The boy asked if he could play with the puppy. The owner said, "Sure."

The boy picked the puppy up and the puppy licked him on the ear. Instantly the boy decided that was the puppy he wanted to buy.

The stall owner said "That is not for sale!"The boy insisted.

The store owner agreed.

The boy pulled out $2 from his pocket and ran to get $48 from his mother.

As he reached the door the store owner shouted after him, "I don't understand why you would pay full money for this one when you could buy a good one for the same price."

The boy didn't say a word. He just lifted his left trouser leg and he was wearing a brace.

The pet owner said, "I understand. Go ahead, take this one."

This is empathy.

Thursday, November 11, 2010



"Ooo.boleh2!!" SMS tone aku berbunyi.Suara Upin.

Aku mencapai telefon.Membaca SMS yang baru diterima.

"Eni dapat 5A,dapt no 5."

"Alhamdulillah.Congratez2."Aku membalas.

Sekali lagi,bunyi SMS kedengaran.

"Any gift for me?"

Aku tersenyum seorang diri di dalam bilik.

"Wait for me to come back home next year. I owe u a special gift."Jari menekan butang SEND.

"Thank you."Pendek jawapan dibalas.


Lagu World Cup,berbunyi.Sah ringtone handphone aku.

Tertera nama,ZAKI abangku.

"Assalamualaikum."Aku memula bicara.

"Waalaikummussalam.Duk wat gapo?Zaki ada good news ni,"

"Good news?Gapo tu?"

"Zaki dapat interview kejo kat UMW.Next week interview hari Isnin."

"Alhamdulillah.Tapi bukan baru jah ko kerjo kat RICOH?"

"Ho.Baru jah beberapo minggu.Tibo2 dapat panggilan interview dari UMW.Doa bnyok la ek ko Zaki.Mano tau ado rezeki."

"InsyaAllah.Zaki pun keno la doa.Mitok2 dapat.Kalu dapat kejo mno?"

"Tu tak sure lagi.Tapi dio kato Zaki keno prepare la pergi training samada US atau Singapore."

"Jauh tu.Breh2.Gi la.Nanti boleh Amir,Umi dan Eni mari melawat US.Hahahaha."

style="font-size:12pt; text-decoration:underline">Berita gembira

Dua berita gembira aku terima dalam minggu ini.

Dan berita ini aku ingin kongsi dengn rakan2 sekalian.

Adikku,Ainin Sofea dapat A dalam BM.Penulisan dan Pemahaman untuk Peperiksaan Akhir tahun darjah 5.

Pertama kali dapat A dalam kedua-dua subjek sepanjang tahun ini.

Teringat aku ketika Peperiksaan pertengahan tahun,ketika bercakap dalam telefon.

"BM tok tau lagi.Cikgu royak 2 ore jah dapat B.Eni takut Eni dapat B,"

"2 ore jah?"

Memang kelas adik aku terbaik di sekolah.Jadi tidak hairan hanya 2 orang gagal mendapat A.

"InsyaAllah,doa banyok."Aku menenangkan hatinya.

Dan adik aku salah seorang antara 2 orang itu;GAGAL MENDAPAT A.

Namun,Eni tiada kenal erti putus asa.Mungkin ini ganjaran atas usahamu secara berterusan.

Tidak penting sedalam mana anda jatuh,yang penting setinggi mana anda bangkit kembali.

Sebagai abang,sungguh aku bangga denganmu.

Abang aku baru sahaja mendaftarkan diri,bekerja di RICOH berbekalkan Degree dalam Mechanical. Engineering dari UKM.

Kini menerima peluang untuk bekerja dengn UMW.Mungkin masa sudah tiba untuk kamu pula terbang mencapai cita-cita mu. Allah sebaik-baik perancang.

Sebagai adik,sungguh aku berasa bangga denganmu.

Aku kini di tahun 3,bidang perubatan.

Aku tidak akan sia-siakan segala peluang,menjadi kebanggaa juga buat keluarga.

Pengalaman guru terbaik

"Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya" (Al Baqarah:286).

"Sesungguhnya Kami telah jadikan manusia sentiasa dalam keadaan menghadapi kesulitan dan kesukaran (jasmani dan rohaninya." (Al-Balad: 4)

"dan Tuhanmu tidak sekali-kali berlaku zalim kepada hamba-hambaNya"(Fussilat: 46)

Zaman kecil dahulu,terlalu banyak dugaan kita tempuh bersama.Pengalaman yang nyata berbeza berbanding rakan2 sebaya kita.

Umi,sebagai ibu juga aku berbangga mempunyai mu.Tanpamu,siapalah aku hari ini.

Pengalaman lalu,tiada kata mampu bercerita,tiada pena mampu menulis.Biarlah ia tersimpan rapi dalam memori ingatan kita bersama.

Namun,izinkan aku bongkar,kepada anak2,kepada isteri aku kelak agar mereka mengerti erti sebenar kehidupan.Agar mereka memahami perjuangan kita sekeluarga dahulu.

Mungkin awan mendung mula bergerak meninggalkan kita.Meninggalkan matahari agar bebas bercahaya menerangi.

Dugaan yang nyata mematangkan diri.Menjadikan aku berdiri sendiri di bumi India.Menjadikan aku cukup redha dengan ketentuan Illahi.Menjadikan diri aku cukup menghargai kalian semua.

"Dialah Yang telah mentakdirkan adanya mati dan hidup (kamu) – untuk menguji dan menzahirkan keadaan kamu; siapakah di antara kamu yang lebih baik amalnya; dan ia Maha Kuasa (membalas amal kamu), lagi Maha Pengampun, (bagi orang-orang Yang bertaubat)" (Al-Mulk: 2)

Imam al-Mawardi menafsirkan 'siapakah di antara kamu yang lebih baik amalnya'sebagai 'siapakah di kalangan kamu yang lebih redha terhadap ketentuan Allah dan lebih sabar terhadap ujianNya'.


p/s-Aku masih menanti sebuah jawapan.Harap ia membawa kegembiraaan.Aku tiada harta,hanya pengalaman yang ada.Moga Allah memberi petunjuk,membuka hatinya.Amin.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Game of the century

Game of the century

[Event "New York Rosenwald"]

[Site "New York"]

[Date "1956.10.07"]

[White "Byrne,Donald"]

[Black "Fischer,Robert James"]

[Result "0-1"]

[Eco "D97"]

1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.d4 0-0 5.Bf4 d5 6.Qb3 dxc4 7.Qxc4 c6 8.e4 Nbd7

9.Rd1 Nb6 10.Qc5 Bg4 11.Bg5 Na4 12.Qa3 Nxc3 13.bxc3 Nxe4 14.Bxe7 Qb6 15.Bc4 Nxc3 16.Bc5 Rfe8+

17.Kf1 Be6 18.Bxb6 Bxc4+ 19.Kg1 Ne2+ 20.Kf1 Nxd4+ 21.Kg1 Ne2+ 22.Kf1 Nc3+ 23.Kg1 axb6 24.Qb4 Ra4

25.Qxb6 Nxd1 26.h3 Rxa2 27.Kh2 Nxf2 28.Re1 Rxe1 29.Qd8+ Bf8 30.Nxe1 Bd5 31.Nf3 Ne4 32.Qb8 b5

33.h4 h5 34.Ne5 Kg7 35.Kg1 Bc5+ 36.Kf1 Ng3+ 37.Ke1 Bb4+ 38.Kd1 Bb3+ 39.Kc1 Ne2+ 40.Kb1 Nc3+

41.Kc1 Rc2+ 0-1

Petak hitam berpetak putih.64 jumlah semuanya.16 askar,8 sebelah.Diperintah raja,dibantu permaisuri di samping menteri2 yang setia.

Hamka berkata,

"Apalah gunanya pena emas bagi orang yang tidak pandai menulis?"

"Apalah harga Quran bagi seorang atheis?"

"Apalah harga intan bagi orang gila?"

Aku pula berkata,

"Apalah erti abjad dan angka di atas bagi seorang bukan ahli catur?"

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Future of Islam by Dr Tareq Al Suwaidan

Monday, October 25, 2010

Being Steve Jobs' Boss

Confessions of the last man to manage the singular inventor.

Steve Jobs was 28 years old in 1983 and already recognized as one of the most innovative thinkers in Silicon Valley. The Apple (NasdaqGS: AAPL - News) board, though, was not ready to anoint him chief executive officer and picked PepsiCo (NYSE:PEP, News) President John Sculley, famous for creating the Pepsi Challenge, to lead the company. Sculley helped increase Apple's sales from $800 million to $8 billion annually during his decade as CEO, but he also presided over Jobs' departure, which sent Apple into what Sculley calls its "near-death experience." In his first extensive interview on the subject, Sculley tells editor Leander Kahney how his partnership with Jobs came to be, how design ruled — and still rules — everything at Apple, and why he never should have been CEO in the first place.

You talk about the "Steve Jobs methodology." What is Steve's methodology?

Steve, from the moment I met him, always loved beautiful products, especially hardware. He came to my house, and he was fascinated, because I had special hinges and locks designed for doors. I had studied as an industrial designer, and the thing that connected Steve and me was industrial design. It wasn't computing.

Steve had this perspective that always started with the user's experience;and that industrial design was an incredibly important part of that user impression. He recruited me to Apple because he believed the computer was eventually going to become a consumer product. That was an outrageous idea back in the early 1980s. He felt the computer was going to change the world, and it was going to become what he called "the bicycle for the mind."

What makes Steve's methodology different from everyone else's is that he always believed the most important decisions you make are not the things you do, but the things you decide not to do. He's a minimalist. I remember going into Steve's house, and he had almost no furniture in it. He just had a picture of Einstein, whom he admired greatly, and he had a Tiffany lamp and a chair and a bed. He just didn't believe in having lots of things around, but he was incredibly careful in what he selected.

Everything at Apple can be best understood through the lens of designing. Whether it's designing the look and feel of the user experience, or the industrial design, or the system design, and even things like how the boards were laid out. The boards had to be beautiful in Steve's eyes when you looked at them, even though when he created the Macintosh he made it impossible for a consumer to get in the box, because he didn't want people tampering with anything.

That went all the way through to the systems when he built the Macintosh factory. It was supposed to be the first automated factory, but it really was a final assembly and test factory with pick-to-pack robotic automation. It is not as novel today as it was 25 years ago, but I can remember when the CEO of General Motors, along with Ross Perot, came out just to look at the Macintosh factory. All we were doing was final assembly and test, but it was done so beautifully. It was as well thought through in design as a factory as the products were.

Now if you leap forward and look at the products that Steve builds today, today the technology is far more capable of doing things; it can be miniaturized; it is commoditized; it is inexpensive. And Apple no longer builds any products. When I was there, people used to call Apple "a vertically integrated advertising agency," which was not a compliment.

Actually today, that's what everybody is. That's what [Hewlett-Packard (NYSE: HPQ -News) is, that's what Apple is, and that's what most companies are, because they outsource to EMS — electronics manufacturing services.

Isn't Nike a good analogy?

Yeah, probably, Nike (NYSE: NKE - News) is closer. The one Steve admired was Sony (NYSE: SNE, News). We used to go visit Akio Morita, and he had really the same kind of high-end standards that Steve did and respect for beautiful products. I remember Akio Morita gave Steve and me each one of the first Sony Walkmans. None of us had ever seen anything like that before, because there had never been a product like that. This is 25 years ago, and Steve was fascinated by it. The first thing he did with his was take it apart, and he looked at every single part. How the fit and finish was done, how it was built.

He was fascinated by the Sony factories. We went through them. They would have different people in different colored uniforms. Some would have red uniforms, some green, some blue, depending on what their functions were. It was all carefully thought out, and the factories were spotless. Those things made a huge impression on him.

The Mac factory was exactly like that. They didn't have colored uniforms, but it was every bit as elegant as the early Sony factories we saw. Steve's point of reference was Sony at the time. He really wanted to be Sony. He didn't want to be IBM (NYSE: IBM - News). He didn't want to be Microsoft (NasdaqGS: MSFT - News). He wanted to be Sony.

The Japanese always started with the market share of components first. So one would dominate, let's say, sensors, and someone else would dominate memory, and someone else hard drives and things of that sort. They would then build up their market strengths with components, and then they would work toward the final product. That was fine with analog electronics, where you are trying to focus on cost reduction — and whoever controlled the key component costs was at an advantage. It didn't work at all for digital electronics, because you're starting at the wrong end of the value chain. You are not starting with the components. You are starting with the user experience.

And you can see today the tremendous problem Sony has had for at least the last 15 years as the digital consumer-electronics industry has emerged. They have been totally stovepiped in their organization. Sony should have had the iPod, but they didn't — it was Apple. The iPod is a perfect example of Steve's methodology of starting with the user and looking at the entire end-to-end system.

I want to ask about Jobs' heroes. You say Edwin Land was one of his heroes?

Yeah, I remember when Steve and I went to meet Dr. Land. Dr. Land had been kicked out of Polaroid. He had his own lab on the Charles River in Cambridge. It was a fascinating afternoon, because we were sitting in this big conference room with an empty table. Dr. Land and Steve were both looking at the center of the table the whole time they were talking. Dr. Land was saying: "I could see what the Polaroid camera should be. It was just as real to me as if it was sitting in front of me before I had ever built one."

And Steve said, "Yeah, that's exactly the way I saw the Macintosh." He said, "If I asked someone who had only used a personal calculator what a Macintosh should be like, they couldn't have told me. There was no way to do consumer research on it, so I had to go and create it, and then show it to people, and say now what do you think?"

Both of them had this ability not to invent products but to discover products. Both of them said these products have always existed — it's just that no one has ever seen them before. We were the ones who discovered them. The Polaroid camera always existed, and the Macintosh always existed — it's a matter of discovery. Steve had huge admiration for Dr. Land. He was fascinated by that trip.

Ross Perot came and visited Apple several times and visited the Macintosh factory. Ross was a systems thinker. He created EDS [Electronic Data Systems] and was an entrepreneur. He believed in big ideas, change-the-world ideas. He was another one.

Akio Morita was clearly one of his great heroes. He was an entrepreneur who built Sony and did it with great products — Steve is a products person.

You say in your book that first and foremost you wanted to make Apple a "product marketing company."

Steve and I spent months getting to know each other before I joined Apple. He had no exposure to marketing other than what he picked up on his own. This is sort of typical of Steve. When he knows something is going to be important, he tries to absorb as much as he possibly can.

One of the things that fascinated him: I described to him that there's not much difference between a Pepsi and a Coke, but we were outsold 9 to 1. Our job was to convince people that Pepsi was a big enough decision that they ought to pay attention to it, and eventually switch. We decided we had to treat Pepsi like a necktie. In that era people cared what necktie they wore. The necktie said: "Here's how I want you to see me." So we have to make Pepsi like a nice necktie. When you are holding a Pepsi in your hand, it says, "Here's how I want you to see me."

We did some research and discovered that when people were going to serve soft drinks to a friend in their home, if they had Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO - News) in the fridge, they would go out to the kitchen, open the fridge, take out the Coke bottle, bring it out, put it on the table, and pour a glass in front of their guests. If it was a Pepsi, they would go out into the kitchen, take it out of the fridge, open it, and pour it in a glass in the kitchen, and only bring the glass out. The point was people were embarrassed to have someone know that they were serving Pepsi. Maybe they would think it was Coke, because Coke had a better perception. It was a better necktie. Steve was fascinated by that.

We talked a lot about how perception leads reality and how if you are going to create a reality, you have to be able to create the perception. We did it with something called the Pepsi Generation. I had learned through a lecture Dr. Margaret Mead had given that the most important fact for marketers was going to be the emergence of an affluent middle class — what we call the baby boomers, who are now turning 60. They were the first people to have discretionary income. They could go out and spend money for things other than what they had to have. When we created [the] Pepsi Generation it was created with them in mind. It was always focusing on the user of the drink, never the drink.

Coke always focused on the drink. We focused on the person using it. We showed people riding dirt bikes, waterskiing, or kite flying, hang gliding — doing different things. And at the end of it there would always be a Pepsi as a reward. This all happened when color television was first coming in. We were the first company to do lifestyle marketing. The first and the longest-running lifestyle campaign was — and still is —Pepsi.

We did it just as color television was coming in and when large-screen TVs were coming in, like 19-inch screens. We didn't go to people who made TV commercials, because they were making commercials for little tiny black-and-white screens. We went out to Hollywood and got the best movie directors and said we want you to make 60-second movies for us. They were lifestyle movies. The whole thing was to create the perception that Pepsi was No. 1 because you couldn't be No. 1 unless you thought like No. 1. You had to appear like No. 1.

Steve loved those ideas. A lot of the stuff we were doing and our marketing was focused on when we bring the Mac to market. It has to be done at such a high level of perception of expectation that he will sort of tease people to want to find out what the product is capable of. The product couldn't do very much in the beginning. Almost all the technology was used for the user experience. In fact, we did get a backlash where people said it's a toy. It doesn't do anything. But eventually it did as the technology got more powerful.

Apple is famous for the same kind of lifestyle advertising now. It shows people living an enviable lifestyle, courtesy of Apple's products. Hip young people grooving to iPods.

I don't take any credit for it. Steve's brilliance is his ability to see something and then understand it and then figure out how to put it into the context of his design methodology — everything is design.

An anecdotal story: A friend of mine was at meetings at Apple and Microsoft on the same day. And this was in the last year, so this was recently. He went into the Apple meeting (he's a vendor for Apple), and as soon as the designers walked in the room, everyone stopped talking, because the designers are the most respected people in the organization. Everyone knows the designers speak for Steve because they have direct reporting to him. It is only at Apple where design reports directly to the CEO.

Later in the day he was at Microsoft. When he went into the Microsoft meeting, everybody was talking and then the meeting starts and no designers ever walk into the room. All the technical people are sitting there trying to add their ideas of what ought to be in the design. That's a recipe for disaster.

Everyone around him knows he beats to a different drummer. He sets standards that are entirely different than any other CEO would set.

He's a minimalist and constantly reducing things to their simplest level. It's not simplistic. It's simplified. Steve is a systems designer. He simplifies complexity.

If you are someone who doesn't care about it, you end up with simplistic results. It's amazing to me how many companies make that mistake. Take the Microsoft Zune. I remember going to [the Consumer Electronics Show] when Microsoft launched Zune, and it was literally so boring that people didn't even go over to look at it. The Zunes were just dead. It was like someone had just put aging vegetables into a supermarket. Nobody wanted to go near it. I'm sure they were very bright people, but it's just built from a different philosophy. The legendary statement about Microsoft, which is mostly true, is that they get it right the third time. Microsoft's philosophy is to get it out there and fix it later. Steve would never do that. He doesn't get anything out there until it is perfected.

That drives some people a little bit crazy. Did it drive you crazy?

It's O.K. to be driven a little crazy by someone who is so consistently right. Looking back, it was a big mistake that I was ever hired as CEO. I was not the first choice that Steve wanted to be the CEO. He was the first choice, but the board wasn't prepared to make him CEO when he was 25, 26 years old. They exhausted all the obvious high-tech candidates to be CEO. Ultimately, David Rockefeller, who was a shareholder in Apple, said let's try a different industry and let's go to the top headhunter in the United States who isn't in high tech: Gerry Roche.

They went and recruited me. I came in not knowing anything about computers. The idea was that Steve and I were going to work as partners. He would be the technical person and I would be the marketing person.

The reason why I said it was a mistake to have hired me as CEO was Steve always wanted to be CEO. It would have been much more honest if the board had said, "Let's figure out a way for him to be CEO. You could focus on the stuff that you bring, and he focuses on the stuff he brings."

Remember, he was the chairman of the board, the largest shareholder, and he ran the Macintosh division, so he was above me and below me. It was a little bit of a facade, and my guess is we never would have had the breakup if the board had done a better job of thinking through not just how do we get a CEO to come and join the company that Steve will approve of, but how do we make sure we create a situation where this thing is going to be successful over time?

I made two really dumb mistakes that I really regret, because I think they would have made a difference to Apple. One was when we were at the end of the life of the Motorola processor, we took two of our best technologists and put them on a team to go look and recommend what we ought to do.

They came back and said it doesn't make any difference which RISC architecture you pick, just pick the one you think you can get the best business deal with. But don't use CISC. CISC is complex instruction set. RISC is reduced instruction set.

So Intel (NasdaqGS: INTC - News) lobbied heavily to get us to stay with them, [but] we went with IBM and Motorola (NYSE: MOT - News) with the PowerPC. And that was a terrible decision in hindsight. If we could have worked with Intel, we would have gotten onto a more commoditized component platform for Apple, which would have made a huge difference for Apple during the 1990s. So we totally missed the boat. Intel would spend $11 billion and evolve the Intel processor to do graphics, and it was a terrible technical decision. I wasn't technically qualified, unfortunately, so I went along with the recommendation.

The other, even bigger failure on my part was if I had thought about it better, I should have gone back to Steve.

I wanted to leave Apple. At the end of 10 years, I didn't want to stay any longer. I wanted to go back to the East Coast. I told the board I wanted to leave, and IBM was trying to recruit me at the time. They asked me to stay. I stayed, and then they later fired me. I really didn't want to be there any longer.

The board decided we ought to sell Apple. So I was given the assignment to go off and try to sell Apple in 1993. So I went off and tried to sell it to AT&T (NYSE: T - News) to IBM, and other people. We couldn't get anyone who wanted to buy it. They thought it was just too high risk, because Microsoft and Intel were doing well then. But if I had any sense, I would have said, "Why don't we go back to the guy who created the whole thing and understands it? Why don't we go back and hire Steve to come back and run the company?"

It's so obvious, looking back now, that that would have been the right thing to do. We didn't do it, so I blame myself for that one. It would have saved Apple this near-death experience they had.

I'm actually convinced that if Steve hadn't come back when he did — if they had waited another six months — Apple would have been history. It would have been gone, absolutely gone.

People say he killed the Newton — your pet project — out of revenge. Do you think he did it for revenge?

Probably. He won't talk to me, so I don't know.;_ylt=AjuAoN_uhITD5272hE2uYdv3BK1_;_ylu=X3oDMTBzbjBiczU0BHBvcwMyMQRzZWMDYXJ0aWNsZU1haW4Ec2xrAzI-?mod=career-leadership

Saturday, October 23, 2010


On the slope of Long's Peak in Colorado lies the ruin of a gigantic tree.

Naturalists tell us that it stood for some 400 years.

It was a seedling when Columbus landed at San Salvador, and half grown when the Pilgrims settled at Plymouth.

During the course of its long life, it was struck by lightning 14 times, and the innumerable avalanches and storms of 4 centuries thundered past it.

It survived them all. In the end, however, an army of beetles attacked the tree and levelled it to the ground.

The insects ate their way through the bark and gradually destroyed the inner strength of the tree by their tiny but incessant attacks.

A forest giant which age had not withered, nor lightning blasted, nor storms subdued, fell at last before beetles so small that a man could crush them between his fore finger and his thumb.

Aren't we all like that battling giant of the forest?

Don't we manage somehow to survive the rare storm and avalanches and lightning blasts of life, only to let our hearts be eaten out by beetles of worry-little beetles that could crushed between a finger and a thumb?

Let's not allow ourselves to be upset by small things we should despise and forget.



Thursday, October 21, 2010

Komanwel VS Babri

Jarak antara Manipal dengan Delhi,3jam perjalanan dengan plane,hampir 3 hari dengan train.

Perjalanan yang sebegini panjang tidak memungkinkan aku datang menyokong atlet2 negara dalam sukan komanwel yang baru melabuhkan tirai.

Tirai dilabuh,kritikan tetap bergema.Tirai hanya tabir.Bukan penghalang mutlak suara2 kritikan terhadap prestasi atlet Negara.

Rumah siap,pahat masih berbunyi.

12-10-14 angka keramat

Mungkin penggemar judi nombor ekor berpusu-pusu membeli nombor ini.

Ya.12 emas,10 perak dan 14 gangsa cukup membuktikan keupayaan sebenar Malaysia.

Badmintan kekal sebagai lombong emas.Pelombong adalah Lee Chong Wei,Koo Kien Kiat serta seluruh pemain acara berpasukan dan beregu campuran.

Bangsa Cina memperkenalkan industri melombong timah di Selangor dengan membawa kapal korek.

Dalam sukan,bangsa ini jugalah yg mengorek emas untuk negara.

Atlet melayu???Agak layu terutama Hafiz Hashim.Tangan layu,badan layu,mata kuyu.

Pembukaan dan penutup

Aku masih lagi teruja dengan upacara pembukaan Olimpik Beijing.Sangat menarik dan sarat dengan pelbagai kebudayaan masyarakat Cina.

Mereka berjaya menggabungkan semua elemen2 penting dan kepercayaan mereka,disimpulkan dalam simpulan mati dan dipersembahkan kepada dunia.

Kungfu Panda,cerita lucu seekor panda gemuk yang ingin menjadi pahlawan naga menceriakan suasana olimpik.Satu kaedah promosi yang sangat efektif.

Pendapatan di jana,duit terhasil lantas memartabatkan lagi maruah China,selaku bakal kuasa besar dunia.

Teringat aku akan satu artikel,biarkan China tidur.China seekor gergasi,lebih mirip seekor naga.

Dulu semasa naga terjaga,seluruh dunia dijelajahi melalui laksamana Cheng Ho.Armada yang di bawa belayar merrentasi laut diiktiraf sebagai yang terbesar di dunia.

Dari situ,masyarakat melayu mula kenal akan perihal manusia bermata sepet,hidung kembang kulit yang cerah.Melaka antara destinasi tujuan.

Di India,promosi berlaku agak hambar.Beberapa siaran sahaja menyiarkan siaran langsung perlawanan yang berlaku.Itupun sekiranya melibatkan atlet india.

Suasana pembukaan tidak lekang dengan kontroversi.

Bermula dengan isu perkampungan atlit yang diaanggap inhabitable.

Penangkapan ular di penginapan kontinjen Afrika.

Isu penarikan diri Usian Bolt(lightining bolt),Asafa powel dan atlet renang lain memanaskan lagi atmosfera Komanwel.

Dalam segala macam ribut melanda,tiba2 jambatan runtuh manakala stadium,semua pekerja bertungkus lumus dihias dan disiapkan sehingga detik2 akhir upacara pembukaan

Ular berjaya lagi ditangkap di gelanggang tenis.Ternyata king cobra sangat bermaharajalela di India.

Pengganas pula dengan berani melontarkan ancaman,sengaja memporak perandakan lagi New Delhi.

Itu belum dikira dengan pengemis kanak2 persis slumdog millionaire.Berpakaian buruk,membawa bayi kecil yang menangis dan berwajah kusam meminta sedekah di jalanan.

Aku pasti,atlet2 akan dicubit,diganggu oleh peminta2 sedekah yang cilik ini semasa bersiar-siar di Delhi kelak.

Lambang penjajahan

Komanwel,satu lambang British.

Bongkak british menjajah,menghuru harakan pentadbiran melaui dasar pecah perintah,kini disanjung dengan Komanwel.

Komanwel satu reuinion terbesar di dunia.Anggota sahaja lebih dari 70 negara.Inilah perjumpaan yang berlaku setiap 4 tahun seklai.

Masjid Babri

Terletak di Avodhya,Uttar Pradesh di atas Rama's Fort,masjid ini telah dimusnahkan pada 1992 walaupun ada arahan daripada Mahkamah Tinggi bahawa struktur itu tidak akan dimusnahkan.200 terbunuh,kebanyakan muslim dalam tunjuk perasaan yang turut berlaku di bandar2 seperti Mumbai dan Delhi.

Dibina usai penaklukan Empayar Moghul pada 1527 oleh Babur,Maharaja Moghul pertama di India,masjid ini antara masjid terbesar di Uttar Pradesh.Sebelum 1940,ia dikenali sebagai Masjid-i-Janmasthan(masjid kelahiran) untuk memperakui kelahiran Dewa Rama.Selepas struktur Hindu dimusnahakan,Masjid Babri dibina.

Walaupun antara masjid terbesar,hanya sedikit jemaah Islam memanfaatkannya untuk kegunaan harian.Mungkin ancaman-ancaman keganasan yang diterima berjaya menakutkan maysarakat Islam daripada mengunjunginya.

Pelbagai petisyen dan bantahan telah difailkan di mahkamah berkenaan masjid ini.

Menariknya,keputusan pemilikan tanah diumumkan 18 tahun selepas Masjid ini dimusnahkan,iaitu ketika Sukan Komanwel bakal dirasmikan.
Aku melihat situasi ini sengaja dipolitikkan.

Kontroversi kegagalan menyipakan struktur2 penting untuk komanwel,ditambah pula dengan isu keselamatan,sengaja menarik perhatian masyarakat dunnia kepada India.

Semua mata tertumpu di Delhi,masa keemasan unutlk mengumukna keputusan petisyaen sekaligus menamatkan konflik babri.

Keputusan memang telah dijangka di mana Muslim hanya memperoleh 1/3 daripada jumlah keseluruhan tanah.

Dan apabila keputusan tidak memihak kepada muslim,seandainya berlaku tunjuk perasaan,dengan senang masyarakat dunia dapat melihat keganasan Islam.

Media yahudi akan melabelkan umat Islam sebgai pengganas dan sengaja menghuru-harakn negara tuan rumah.

Ancaman keganasan bagi aku sengaja dicipta oelh pihak berkepentigan.Sekiranya umat islam India membantah,automatik ini akan disyhtiharkan sebagai ancaman pengganas.

Sekali lagi,watak pengganas dipegang oleh Muslim.

Aku melihat,ada persamaan berkenaan peristiwa ini dengan pergaduhan merebut Masjidil Aqsa di Palestin.

Antagonis semestinya Yahudi,golongan yang mendakwa tapak berdirinya Masjidil Aqsa,sebenarnya,tapak 'Temple Of Solomon'.

Aku bukan penggemar teori illuminati,tetapi ancaman sebegini tidak harus dipandang ringan.Ancaman ini datang dengan tindakan seperti menggali terowong di bawah masjid.Ini tidak lain bertujuan memusnahkan struktur Masjid.Sedikit gempa bumi,nescaya rebah menyembah bumi Al-Aqsa.Nasi telah menjadi bubur.

Mahkamah antarabangsa sememangnya dilobi dan mereka berdiri teguh di bawah telunjuk jari kelingking Israel.

Mungkin pada masa ini,segala NGO sekadar anjing menyalak bukit..


p/s-Esok end-posting exam for psychiatric.Doakan kejayaan aku.Wassalam

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